Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I've decided...

I've decided to bite the bullet. After being inspired by Ali Edwards over the past few weeks... I'm going to embark in my own "A Week in the Life" project. Existing in a place where I'm constantly questioning my life, decisions, fears, joys, relationships, growth, etc...I find it to be no better time to capture and record the moments that make up my life to give the brain a break and bring my heart back into it. Conveniently, this project will also take place throughout the last seven days of my 25th year.

I will begin tomorrow, Thursday May 20th, and finish on my birthday, Thursday May 27th. So...if you see me with my camera (DSLR or point & shoot) attached at my hip all week, you'll know why. For some of you, you may feel this is already part of my routine. Well, it's about to get worse...but for only 7 days. I'm also very excited to practice and continue to develop my progress with Photoshop throughout the project.

I know my Week in the Life (or my album for that matter) will not turn out as extravagant as Ali's or some of the people's she featured on her blog...but I just want to enjoy the process and embrace the creativity it will force out of me. I'll be posting some pics on here at I go throughout the week, as well as posting my pic of the day...and as I create my album. With a busy weekend ahead, I'm not sure when the actual creation of the album will begin. I see many trips to Hobby Lobby in my near future.

I've been reading the following information to help me begin this project...lots of great ideas!

Seriously, wish me luck. I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty excited.

1 comment:

linda said...

blessings, jills, as you venture forth on this new journey. i always love hearing about your next adventure so can't wait to see how this one turns out...