Monday, May 31, 2010

Farty...a questionable word.

Found out today that blogger had an update:) cool things found, and I'm sure there's tone more. Yay. Added a 'Pages' tab on the right with my favorite posts and Week in the Life. More organization, can you guess this brings me joy? Thanks for the idea Katherine!

Today was grand. Period. No agenda, no plans, and what came out of it? ... pure joy, contentment and one step closer to balance.

* No alarm.
* A binder and some more tools for my Week in the Life project: thank you Office Max.
* A new perspective on a place which usually is a run, but today it was enjoyed simply. Easily, it's beauty was revealed in a way I've never seen it before.
* Windows pried open. Finally.
* Handstands in the grass.
* Homemade food...kind of.
* Bananagrams. 
* The end of Terrorizing Days Territory Days = no more lack of parking in front of my house + hellacious traffic + no more loud music:).

Thank you:)

Goals for the week: get the VW's AC working properly so every drive doesn't involve back sweat, and begin Week in the Life assembly.

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