Not really. But, I was staying in a place with no internet since Sunday. Well..I take that did have internet, but it did not like communicating with my friendly macbook. :( Oh yeah, and I worked three 10-hr days in a row. So...point of the story...the explanation as to why no blogging for the past couple of days. Here's a recap of what you missed...
Running recap: The log...Sunday 10/26- 12 mi (Baptist Rd to Woodmen + some change)- hot, got a humongous chafe on my arm...rrr flabbiness!
Monday 10/27- 2.5 mi easy in MVP
Tuesday 10/28-, work 10 hrs.
Wed 10/29- 5 mi in the Garden of the Gods- sortof got lost there in the end...but fun exploring!
Thurs 10/30- 6 mi around Manitou- ran up Ruxton to Hydro street....haven't done that in a couple months...made me feel totally out of shape-crap!
Friday 10/31- 3.5mi slow (roughly- enjoying red light breaks)...had a fun Halloween run with the CRC crew...did the downtown lots of honks and stares...we were all dressed up. I think the sponge bob and cereal killer we were with were the cause of the attention. :)
Life recap...
*Found that I am now, officially addicted to Boba! The little tapioca balls o'fun at the bottom of my drink!:) Makes me feel 10 again. Go to the Coffee and Tea Zone downtown to see what all the fuss is about...or go to if you aren't in c. springs.
*I can't wait for such a fun night tonight...two times to be had.
*Maili's parents are visiting from California and I have so enjoyed them. Yesterday, the four of us drove up to Rampart for a little stroll in the was so pretty and totally peaceful! On the way back we stopped for popcorn balls at the top of ute pass and marg's at Amanda's Fonda!
More to come to a busy weekend!
Friday- Halloween party and fun! Spend the night with Beth at Meg's!
Sat- Work til close...early bedtime i'm suspecting!
Sunday- Long run with the gals...then off to volunteer (in costume) with Beth at the Fall Series!
Man...can I get a nap in before all of this!?