Title due to the current state of my mind and body over the past few days...interesting. Where to start...ok, we'll do this chronologically.
Sunday 5am...I was up and at it early on my way to Beth's house to leave for the Garden 10 Mile! We got to Manitou around 6ish...found a premier parking spot across from the manitou library. After waiting in line for the port-o's we were off with 1600 racers at the sound of the gun. As I suspected Beth took off while I was wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into calves burning on the first beast of a hill! As I was enjoying a nice downhill through the garden at mile 3, I suddenly felt pissed watching the 1st and 2nd place racers sprinting past me up the same hill, opposite direction...they were at their mile 6...argg. The local high schools were competing for the best aid station...so they were all dressed up with fun themes. The 4th station had a "welcome to heaven" theme...i will tell you...their location was no heaven! The worst hill of the course...the only point in which i had to take a brief walk break...my legs were like big/tight stumps! I heard a runner behind me say "this definately isn't heaven". I ended up finishing the race in 1:35 minutes...I was ok with that time...but a competitive fire was lit and I definitely want to do better! Another correct prediction...Beth killed it with a finishing time of 1:18min...she did great! We enjoyed a nice starbucks coffee standing on wobbly legs on our way out of manitou...we also saw the 2nd place overall women's finisher running down manitou ave...are you kidding me...we both just rolled our eyes.
Sunday 1pm... Maili and I are sitting on the couch looking out the window waiting for our guests to arrive for the bday bbq she planned for me. Even though I had gotten little sleep...my legs were killing me...and i desperately needed a drink...I was SO looking forward to getting to spend some time with those I love. We had yummy food, great conversation, and fun Taboo! It's so funny how simple games create such funny, lasting memories! First off, while i was getting situated on the floor, my foot (toe really) decided it didn't like the position and cramped so badly! I crouched over and just started cracking up...then Taboo-er's saw the awkwardness in my foot...funny stuff. Other Taboo notable notes...Maili continually yelled "Vagabonds" as the answer to all words...What the hell is an "asp"?... Oh, and Staci and Mom feel as though playing games lowers their self-esteems. This day was an overall great day...I love being with those I care so deeply about. I couldn't have felt more loved having everyone come to share this time. :) Thank you!
Weds 6am... Staci and I hiked this incline this am...and it was beautiful! We were both sluggish, tired, and not completely confident in the decision we had made to do it so early this am. I wasn't sure if I should let my horribly sore shins (or chins as I sometimes spell them) rest a little more from the agony they were put through on the downhills of the garden 10 mile...but ehh, who cares...off we went. 5 minutes into the stepping, my quads began to burn...hum, this time may not be a record breaker I thought. But I ended up doing the 2nd best time i've ever done...38min 45sec. Staci busted out her best time of 48:something! It was her first time since last summer too...what a stud! We ran down Barr Trail...a success for both of us...no falls and only a few slow/awkward girl scouts with large back packs to deal with on our decent.
Weds pm...A funny story at work to share. So...in order to get the left over cake out of Maili and My life (aka so that we wouldn't eat it all ourselves), I decided to take it into work. Bad move...because I (not Maili I'll point out) still have to look at it all day...there in the break room...arg. So tonight during the social part of the social run we have at our store every weds night, i decided to get my stuff together in the back break room so that i could leave right after everyone started moving on out. I saw the large single piece of cake sitting there comfortably in it's case...with a clean fork not a foot away...just a little I thought. I had better shut the door so that i don't get caught in the act. As I am lifting the 1st bite o goodness up to the ol trap, my ultra-marathon friend Tony opens up the break room door and says "what do we got goin on in here?"...it startled me and I was like great...here's this guy whose run prob 50-some miles today (as he's training for Western States 100 race) catching me shove a heaping fork-full of choc cake in! I said "here Tony, you eat this yummy birthday cake...get it out of my life for good, please...plus i'm sure you deserve it much more than i do!"