Dangit! I forgot to get a picture of the girls up at Greenland today! Oh well...you'll just have to experience it through my words instead:(.
I was nervous driving up to Greenland today as my legs are still trashed from poor decisions this week. Calves and quads are still sore to the touch...so the thought of running on them didn't seem that appealing. But...it's Sunday...and I have to be outside in the beautiful weather with my friends! Instead of going completely around the 8 mile loop, I just did an out and back on the less-hilly side. It was absolutely gorgeous up there today! Every time I go up to Greenland, I feel like I am running someplace completely different... I love it!
Breakfast at the Egg & I was tasty as always. I am so thankful to have such positive, supportive people in my life. Sundays are the best...wouldn't think of spending them any other way.
2 days ago
I NEED this day so I can go on and begin my week. Thanks for sharing it with me!
I hope that ethereal and other wordly quality is there on Saturday. Steamboat can have that too! Will miss the girls being with me at Greenland!
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