Ok, now I'm really getting excited for this weekend! 3 days off...catching up with friends...catching up on sleep (hopefully)...a mini roadtrip with myself...new scenery...time away. Found an outfit for the wedding so, that headache is gone now. :) Good ol' GJ...my long lost friend:).
Had a fabulous run this am. Had no motivation to do it at all...so I just placed myself in the mindset of "I'm just going to try and enjoy this, let my mind go where it wants, go slow, and enjoy this cool morning." So...ended up being pretty nice! I am loving using my nike sportband...giving me an idea how far/fast i'm going. Today it said I did 5.54mi, 51:07min, 9:13 pace.
Had the CRC social run/PPRR newsletter stuffing last night. Aside from getting made fun of for my wine-in-a-plastic cup- consumption...it's fun chatting and laughing with friends of the store. I managed to refuse Louie's pizza (my favorite)...and get outta there without a single bite! But...PPRR president Micky did hit me pretty hard when I made fun of her sock tan lines! :) Of course I made her feel as bad as I could! :) Oh...and no Burrito (Johnathon's cute baby) for the 2nd weds in a row...I need my cute baby fix soon!
1 day ago